This List of Neanderthal fossil sites will help you navigate more easily among the many discovered settlements of ancient humans. It contains a list of findings with links to their brief descriptions. The list focuses only on sites where researchers have discovered the remains of Neanderthals themselves, not just their tools.
Interest in the history of Neanderthal man has been growing in recent years, fueled by new discoveries as well as remarkable findings made by scientists through DNA research.
Wikipedia also has good examples of cataloging Neanderthal finds. For example, List of Neanderthal sites and List of Neanderthal fossils provide useful information but only include the most well-known locations and do not encompass a number of significant discoveries made in recent years.
Here, for your attention, are approximately 246 sites from 31 countries ranging from Europe to Central Asia and the Altai region. All sites are sorted by the countries where the findings were made. Next to the site name, the approximate age of the findings is indicated. If there are several dates separated by commas, it means that a series of findings were made in different layers and of different ages. To view Neanderthal fossil sites according to their age, follow the links below:
Neanderthal fossil sites and remains:
From the most ancient to 130 thousand years;
Between 130 thousand years to 75 thousand years;
From 75 thousand years to 56 thousand years;
Less than 56 thousand years old.

Belgium, Spy Cave.
Engis | 44 |
Fonds-de-Foret (Bay Bonnet) | 50–44 |
Goyet | 46–44 |
Naulette | 124–119 |
Rotches de D’Gennly | 80–60 |
Scladina (Sclayn) | 127–120 |
Spy | 44–42 |
Trou Al’Wesse (Modave) | 50–41 |
Trou de l’Abime (Couvin) | 47–44.5 |
Trou Magrite (Magritte) | 41 |
Walou | 44–42 |

Bulgaria, Bacho Kiro Cave.
Bacho Kiro | 70–50 |
Kozarnika | 183–128 |

Croatia, Vindija Cave.

Czech Republic, Kulna Cave.
Czech Republic
Kulna | 50 |
Ochoz (Svedul Stul) | 80–45 |
Šipka | 55 |

France, La Ferrassie rock shelter. ©Musee National de Prehistoire, Les Eyzies

Neanderthal fossil sites: Georgia, Ortvala Klde rock shelter.
Bronzovaya (Bronze) | 50 |
Djruchula (Djroutchoula) | 105–90 |
Ortvala Cave | 44.5–42.5 |
Ortvale Klde | 50–40 |
Sakajia (Sakažhia) | 60–50 |

Germany, Hohlenstein-Stadel Cave.
Altmuhl (Klausennische, Untere Klause, Sesselfelsgrotte) | 100–70, 90–60, 60–46 |
Bad Cannstatt | 295 |
Balver (Balve) | 110–85 |
Ehringsdorf | 230–205 |
Feldhofer | 45–42 |
Hohlenstein-Stadel | 124–120 |
Hunas | 79–76 |
Ochtendung (Wannen) | 170–160 |
Reilingen | 250 |
Salzgitter-Lebenstedt | 58–54 |
Sarstedt | 115 |
Taubach | 234–230 |
Warendorf | 70–40 |

Gibraltar. Gorham’s Cave is a large sea cave, the largest in the complex. ©Finlayson, Gibraltar Museum
Devil’s Tower | 50–42 |
Forbes’ Quarry | 70–60 |
Genista | 50–40 |
Vanguard | 50 |

Greece, Apidima Cave.

Hungary, Remete Felső. Interior view of the Upper Cave in the Reme Valley. ©Szenti Tamas
Remete Felső | 70–50 |
Subalyuk (Suba-lyuk) | 110–80 |
Vertesszölles | 300 |

Italy, Balzi Rossi caves. ©Thilo Parg
Altamura (Lamalunga) | 172–128 |
Archi | 75–55 |
Balzi Rossi (Grotte du Prince, Grimaldi) | 250–200 |
Bisceglie | 75–65 |
Breuil | 45–40 |
Broion | 50–46 |
Buca del Tasso | 57–40 |
Calascio | 80 |
Capelvenere | 50–40 |
Casal de’Pazzi | 295–245 |
Castel di Guido | 330–320 |
Cavallo | 50–47 |
Ciota Ciara | 300 |
Contrada Ianni (Nicotera) | 100–60 |
Fate | 82–75 |
Fondo Cattìe (Maglie) | 100–40 |
Fontana Ranuccio | 450–430 |
Fossellone | 74 |
Fumane | 60–50 |
Guattari | 100–90, 68–50 |
Isernia La Pineta | 583–561 |
Leuca | 100–70 |
Madonna dell’Arma | 88–73 |
Manie | 70–60 |
Melpignano (Nuzzo) | 57–40 |
Mezzena | 45–40 |
Molare | 140 |
Monte delle Gioie | 295–290 |
Nadale | 70 |
Poggio | 240–190 |
Ponte Mammolo | 295–245 |
Quinzano | 128–115 |
Roccia San Sebastiano | 45–44 |
Saccopastore | 250 |
San Bernardino | 60–40 |
Sedia del Diavolo | 295–285 |
Taddeo | 100–80 |
Tagliente | 57–40 |
Visogliano | 458 |

Montenegro, Crvena Stijena rock shelter.
Crvena Stijena | 78–48 |

Netherlands, Doggerland. ©Winterwatch.net
Krijn | 70–50 |

Jaskinia Ciemna (Dark Cave), Ojcowski National Park, Poland. ©Jan Jerszynski / Wikimedia Commons
Jaskinia Ciemna | 115 |
Stajnia | 54–52, possibly >100 |

Neanderthal fossil sites: Portugal, Gruta Nova da Columbeira.
Columbeira | 41.5 |
Figueira Brava | 106–86 |
Galeria Pesada (Gruta da Aroeira) | 418–390, 300–278 |
Oliveira | 70–60, 47–46 |
Salemas | 50–40 |

Romania, Ohaba Ponor (Şura Mare Cave).
Ohaba Ponor (Bordul Mare) | 120–100 |

Russia, Matuzka. ©EU
Russia (European part)
Barakaevskaya (Barakai) | 70–57 |
Matuzka | 105–90 |
Mezmaiskaya | 70–60, 45–42 |
Monasheskaya | 48 |
Rozhok | 130–115 |

Serbia Velika Balanica. ©Rade Vesović
Pešturina | 102, 92–44 |
Velika Balanica | 295–285 |

Slovakia, Ganovce. The travertine rock where the skull was found. ©Klingon
Dzerava skala Cave (Palfy) | 57–50 |
Ganovce | 105 |
Šala | 120–80 |

Partizanska Jama | 50–40 |

Spain, Foradada. ©Antonio-Rodríguez-Hidalgo
Abric Romani | 60 |
Arrillor | 46–43 |
Atapuerca | 530–430 |
Axlor | 100–50, 47–42 |
Banyoles (Bañolas) | 66–45 |
Bolomor | 130 |
Carihuela (Cariguela), Pinar | 146–117 |
Casares | 45–42 |
Castillo | 77, 70, 44–43 |
Cova Negra | 273–261 |
Covalejos | 45–40 |
Cueva del Angel | 121–104 |
Esquilleu | 54–44 |
Foradada | 100 |
Gegant | 55–52 |
Horá | 100–40 |
Jarama | 60–50 |
Lezetxiki | 310–280, 164 |
Mollet | 215 |
Moros (Gabasa) | 150 |
Pinilla del Valle | 63–50, 42–38 |
Prado Vargas | 55–43 |
Salt | 47–45 |
Sidrón | 58–45 |
Sima de las Palomas | 130–90 |
Simanya | 49–42 |
Teixoneres | 52 |
Tossal de la Font | 90–70 |
Valdegoba | 95–73 |
Zafarraya | 46 |

Switzerland, Cotencher Cave.
Cotencher | 73–68 |
Saint-Brais II | 40 |

Ukraine, Kiik-Koba.
Kiik-Koba | 80–70 |
Zaskalnaya | 43–41 |

United Kingdom, Bontnewydd Cave. ©Llywelyn2000
United Kingdom
Pontnewydd | 250–200 |
St. Brelade | 48 |
Swanscombe | 400–300 |

Iran, Qal-e Kord Cave.
Bawa Yawan | 44–42 |
Behistun (Behistoun) | 190–60 |
Qal-e Kord | 155 |
Wezmeh | 70–40 |

Iraq, Shanidar Cave.
Shanidar | 73–40 |

Israel, Skull Cave (Zuttiyeh).
Amud | 55 |
Ein Qashish | 70–60 |
Kebara (Kabara) | 62–60 |
Nesher Ramla | 140–120 |
Qafzeh (Kafzeh) | 115–92 |
Qesem | 380–220 |
Shukbah (Shovakh) | 70–56 |
Skhul | 119–100, 80–40 |
Tabun | 140–112 |

Lebanon, Ksar Akil rock shelter.
Ksar Akil | 46 |
Masloukh | 120 |
Ras el Kelb | 100–70 |

Russia, general view of Chagyrskaya Cave. ©Roberts
Russia (Asian part)
Chagyrskaya | 80, 59–51 |
Denisova | 52 |
Okladnikov | 44 |

Syria, Dederiyeh Cave.
Dederiyeh | 70–50 |

Tajikistan, Khudji open-air site.
Khudji | 42 |

Turkey, Karain Cave.
İncili | – |
Kanal | Middle Paleolithic |
Karain | 340–250, 250–200 |
Merdivenli | 85–75 |
Üçağızli | 42–40 |

Uzbekistan, Aman Kutan, Lion’s Cave. ©meros.uz
Aman Kutan | 55 |
Anghilak | 46 |
Obi-Rakhmat | 75–70 |
Teshik-Tash | 70 |